Tax Organizer
Our Booklets are arranged to help you organize your information before it is submitted to us. We ask you to fill it in completely, in order to have all the correct information from you to accurately prepare your return.
The organizer is available for download on our Tax Organizer page. You will need a username and password to access the booklet. If you are a new client, contact our office for a username and password. If you are located in our area, you may pick up the booklet at our office. If picked up in our office or downloaded online, the cost of the booklet is $5.00. If you would prefer to have the booklet mailed to you add $5.00 for shipping.
If you are a prior year client, you will be sent a letter by January 16, 2025 with this information. You may contact our office at any time.
It is VERY important that you call or e-mail us to update your contact information so you will receive your information in a timely manner.
Bookkeeping is typically the most unpleasant component of any business, but we can help! We offer complete bookkeeping service for your business. We have you send to us, on a monthly basis, all your receipts, sales slips, account statements, etc. From this information, we will generate a quarterly Profit and Loss statement for you, and also advise you of the need to make quarterly estimated tax payments. This will allow you to keep in touch with your business, whether your business is making a profit or loss.
This will also help identify which expenses are tax deductible. Your material will be returned to you in a format ready for and accepted by the IRS should they ever need to look at your books.
If you have an audit, you will have nothing to fear, your information will be complete.We provide this service on a tiered fee system, based on your business level. For $5 or less a day, you can be assured that the information that is provided to us is guaranteed in case of an audit. If you decide to complete your own bookkeeping please do not throw everything in a shoebox and hope you have everything. If the Internal Revenue Service ever sends you that unpleasant "your return has been chosen for audit" letter the "shoebox method" will not work.
To correctly account for your income and expenses we suggest that you purchase our expandable file folder system. The "How to organize your receipts" lists the various categories that your business may or may not have. Throughout the year you will put the receipts you receive in the correct categories. The advantage of our expandable file folder system is that it will allow you to take it with you wherever you go. For most people once you have a receipt it will end up in a purse, wallet, the bottom of the floor of your car, and etc. So to avoid that problem you simply put the receipts in the expandable file folder when you have your receipt. With our system you can rest at night knowing that your bookkeeping is in one place, safe, secure, and most important Correct!
I have one very important suggestion if you wish to do your own bookkeeping: do not give this to your spouse to do. Having your spouse do your bookkeeping could lead to lengthy explanations of your business purchases—purpose, necessity, cost. This may lead you to give a 40-50 minute dissertation on each item purchased, and ultimately lead to marriage counseling after months of sorting receipts!
Tax Preparation
We offer personal, small business, LLC, S-Corporation and C-Corporation tax return preparation. We are able to do all State returns, as well as School District and all local tax returns.
We can do your entire tax return, or just the business portion. If we prepare only the business portion of your return, you must then take the prepared information to whomever completes the rest of your return.
It is our firm's commitment to keep costs as low as possible, yet provide the highest degree of quality work. Our prices are highly competitive with the national chains. If you wish to make changes after the returns are completed, there may be an additional charge. Our pricing information page has a complete breakdown of pricing for tax preparation.
Our pricing is based on your data, and the manner in which it is presented to us. Therefore, we expect you to have your data organized, categorized, totaled, etc. If we have to stop to do bookkeeping on your papers, organize or spend extra time on your account, we will do so, as time allows. An extra charge for the additional time/work involved will be added to your bill. If we have to stop/start your return because you did not supply us with all of the information necessary, we will charge an interruption cost of a minimum of $10.00 for each occurrence. It is crucial that you use our Tiernan & Associates Tax Organizer llisted above, so that there are no additional fees associated with interruption charges. The book lists all items of importance and, if filled out correctly, will help to reduce the possibilities of interruption charges.